Here a MOOC. There a MOOC. Everywhere a MOOC MOOC.
take a MOOC or part of a MOOC? If so did it change your life or some
small portion of it? Well, if so...two brilliant and hardworking alums
of my program in IST, Meina Zhu from Wayne State University and Min
Young Doo from Sejong University in Seoul, and I are conducting a study
on MOOC learners' career adaptability. The survey takes 10 minutes.
you take it, I'll send you 3 virtual cookies and 5 virtual dark chocolates from
Blomington Chocolate Company.
Meina Zhu, Min, and I have done a series of MOOC related studies; 3 of which are in press for 2020.
Doo, M. Y., Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., &, Tang, Y. (online
2019, in press for print 2020). The effects of openness, altruism, and instructional
self-efficacy on work engagement of MOOC instructors. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., &, Doo, M.-Y. (2020). Self-directed learning
in MOOCs: Exploring the relationships among motivation, self-monitoring,
and self-management. Educational
Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). 1-21. DOI 10.1007/s11423-020-09747-8
Doo, M. Y., Tang, Y., Bonk, C. J., &, Zhu, M.
(2020). MOOC instructor motivation and career
and professional development. Distance
Education, 41(1).
And we have a whole bunch more MOOC studies recently out or in review.