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Learning How to Learn...and Learning How to Teach: The Ying and Yang of My Fall 2018 Courseload...
Saturday, August 04, 2018
In the fall, I will teach 2 courses, one online (P540) and one via videoconferencing (R546). Below is my marketing flier for the IST (Instructional Systems Technology) student orientation on August 15th.

IST Student Orientation
Indiana University
School of Education: Room 2140
August 15, 2018

Hello IST Students (and other interested parties):

Question #1: Do you want to “learn how to learn?” or…
Question #2: Do you want to “learn how to teach?”

If yes to either question, you are in luck. I am trained as an educational psychologist and teach both IST courses and educational psychology courses. I finished preparing my fall 2018 semester syllabi early and thought that I would share them with you as you begin to decide on your fall classes. My online class (P540) addresses human learning and cognition and my face-to-face class (R546) addresses innovative approaches to instruction (critical and creative thinking as well as motivation, collaboration, and technology integration). I have been teaching both for nearly three decades. See below for details.

1.      If interested in how to LEARN: P540 Learning and Cognition in Education, Online Section 37612 (i.e., a learning theories course). P540 Syllabus:

Note: For those interested in how we humans learn, P540 is a core class with a rich history in educational psychology. It will provide an in-depth look at behavioral, cognitive, cognitive constructivistic, and socio-cultural learning theories. This course used to be required by most programs in the School of Education. While I have taught this course since the spring of 1990, I have not taught the online version of P540 since 2009. So perhaps now the perfect time for you to take it?

         If interested in how to TEACH: R546 Instructional Strategies for Thinking, Collaboration, and Motivation, Live/Face-to-Face Section 9835, Room 2101 IU Bloomington and Room 2101 IUPUI (IUB) (Videoconferencing between Bloomington and Indianapolis on Saturday mornings at 8 am).  R546 Syllabus:

Note: In terms of the how to teach, I offer R546 on Saturdays for 8 weeks to help people like you who might have hectic schedules during the week. You will learn about creativity, critical thinking, motivation, collaboration, and technology integration. Hundreds of instructional strategies will be discussed; dozens upon dozens of which will be demonstrated or personally experienced. If you are located near Bloomington or in the Indianapolis vicinity, you just might want to take this course.

Special Note: Meina Zhu, doctoral candidate in IST, will once again be my instructional assistant in R546. She will also be helping in P540.

10 Reasons why you might enroll in R546:
  1. The Relevancy and Impact: The course addresses all educational sectors—K-12, higher ed, corporate, military, government, informal, nontraditional, etc.
  2. The Exposure to Best Practices: The course has 5 modules filled with best instructional strategies and practices on motivation, creativity, critical thinking, cooperative/collaborative learning, and technology integration.
  3. The Career Benefits (i.e., Want to learn how to teach?): Everyone enrolled typically walks away with dozens of new instructional strategies and ideas as well as a plan on how and where they might implement them.
  4. The Reusable Resources: Most handouts and activities are reusable in any educational sector.
  5. The Free Stuff: The free packet of course handouts is offered based on over a quarter century of teaching this course. In addition, I will give people a free book with more than 100 activities: Entire book: (in English or Chinese) or by chapter: More than 100,000 people have downloaded this e-book since it was published in May 2014.
  6. The Easy to Understand Structure: The course requirements are simple to understand—2 tasks are due at midterm and 2 tasks are due at the end.
  7. The Sense of Control and Self-Directedness: All readings are student self-selected. There are no required books or required articles. Students select the books and articles that interest them. To reduce costs, I will bring dozens of optional and interesting books to class to loan out.
  8. The People--Participant Diversity: The students who sign up for R546 tend to come from around the world. Last year, it was like a mini United Nations meeting each week more than 40 people enrolled, audited, or sat in the course. You will learn much from them.
  9. The Atmosphere--Saturday Mornings: The course is taught on Saturdays which is a day that tends to be more informal and engaging and fun. And it runs for just 8 weeks.
  10. The Food: The past four years, more than three dozen award winning Fulbright teachers from countries like India, New Zealand, Finland, Morocco, Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, Botswana, and Mexico have audited the course and brought us delicious food each week.

So perhaps now is the perfect time to learn how to learn or learn how to teach; and do so on a full stomach! Please feel free to write me with questions. My email address is below.

Curt Bonk and Meina Zhu, Co-Instructors (and Magicians in residence)

Curtis J. Bonk, Professor, Instructional Systems Technology Dept, IU Bloomington

Free e-Book (online motivation and retention):
New: MOOCs and Open Education Around the World:
The World is Open book:;
Personal Homepage:

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About Me

Name: Curt Bonk
Home: Bloomington, Indiana, United States
About Me: I am a former accountant and CPA and a former educational psychologist. I am now Professor of IST at Indiana University and also adjunct in the School of Informatics. I founded and later sold SurveyShare. As president of CourseShare, LLC, I run around the world training instructors to teach online and give motivational talks about emerging learning technologies. I also write and edit books related to e-learning and blended learning. See bio and vita.

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Click here for information about my recent book, The World is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education.

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