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COL is "Keeping Doors Open"...and the world is very thankful!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I got an email yesterday from my friend Sanjaya Mishra from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) with tons of wonderful vetted online resources across educational sectors.
Keeping the Doors Open, 
It open with the following:
     "With an increasing number of states, provinces and even whole countries closing institutions of learning as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 80% of the world’s students are not attending school (UNESCO, 2020). COL stands ready to share its expertise and resources to enable stakeholders to keep the doors of learning open for all."

COL is exactly the type of organization that is geared up to help the world.

See COL’s statement on COVID-19. 

"With an increasing number of states, provinces and even whole countries closing institutions of learning as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 363 million learners worldwide are being impacted (UNESCO, 2020)."

363 million learners! Look at the history:

    "Since its establishment in 1987, COL has supported governments and educational institutions in the Commonwealth to establish robust distance teaching institutions and build competencies for quality online learning practices. Over the years, it has created many resources, including courses, policy briefs, how-to toolkits, as well as guidelines on online learning and related areas that are downloadable for use by policymakers, teachers and researchers around the globe."

And they further say:

      "In these unprecedented times, ODL can support learning in the non-formal and informal sectors, as well as the formal education sector. Below is a curated list of resources for policymakers, school and college administrators, teachers, parents and learners that will assist with student learning during the closure of educational institutions. Most of these are available as open educational resources with different licenses. The specific license conditions for reuse and remix are contained in the links."

I looked and I said WOW!

It has links to:

Take a look and you too can say WOW!

Thanks so much Sanjaya and COL! The COL specializes is OER resources evaluation, aggregation, and dissemination; especially for teacher training around the world. They are a world-class organization. A picture with Sanjaya Mishra (left side) and Santosh Panda (right) at the PCF9 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland in Septemer.

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  posted by Curt Bonk @ 6:51 PM  
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Name: Curt Bonk
Home: Bloomington, Indiana, United States
About Me: I am a former accountant and CPA and a former educational psychologist. I am now Professor of IST at Indiana University and also adjunct in the School of Informatics. I founded and later sold SurveyShare. As president of CourseShare, LLC, I run around the world training instructors to teach online and give motivational talks about emerging learning technologies. I also write and edit books related to e-learning and blended learning. See bio and vita.

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