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Monday, July 18, 2022

Information on my latest book with Meina Zhu is detailed below.


Transformative Teaching Around the World:

Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy


            Curtis J. Bonk & Meina Zhu (Eds.). (2022) Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy. NY: Routledge.






Scope: There are 41 short stories (1,000 to 3,000 words) written by award winning Fulbright teachers and former IU students around the globe who have enrolled in my R546 course (i.e., the famed Saturday class) on instructional strategies for critical and creative thinking, collaboration, motivation, and technology integration. Most are now back in their countries. R546 Syllabus:


Readers of this book will hear stories from outstanding teachers in 22 countries such as in Mexico, India, Morocco, mainland China and Taiwan, Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Cyprus, Singapore, Finland, Botswana, New Zealand, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Rwanda, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Israel, and Uzbekistan, Korea, and the United States. These authors tell emotional, educationally powerful, and highly impactful stories of transformative changes in their classrooms, communities, and countries. Many of their stories will relate to the use of innovative technology during the pandemic as well as global technologies for international exchanges and collaboration among K-12 students in different countries.


Transformative Teaching Around the World:

Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy


Curtis J. Bonk and Meina Zhu (Editors)





To my advisor Gary A. Davis who taught me that “Creativity is Forever” and to Robert (Bob) and Donna Rae Clasen who helped me discover myriad ways that “Teachers Tackle Thinking” and to all the other thoughtful, kind, and creative professors with whom I took classes at the University of Wisconsin so long ago.

                                    Curt Bonk, Indiana University


To my professors, friends, and family who encouraged me and supported me each day.

Meina Zhu, Wayne State University


Table of Contents: Book Chapters



Foreword: The Power of Story

Gerardo Gonzalez


Preface: Before Making Impact

Curtis J. Bonk and Meina Zhu


1.      Time for Making Impact

Curtis J. Bonk and Meina Zhu



Section #1: Personal Transformations

2.      Professional Growth and Cross-Cultural Exchange: A Glimpse into a Fulbright Program’s Life-Long Impact on Global Educators

Jacob Butler


3.      Education found me; energy kept me: Thoughts on power, sharing, and service

Alba Rosario Marrón Canseco


4.      The World of Endless Possibilities- The Educator in Me

Keitumetse Thobani


5.      Questions that Matter – An Epistle to the Learner

Pratiksha Chopra


6.      Sun on the Snow: Ad Meliora - Toward Better Things

Remya Parameswar Iyer


7.      From ancient history to current practice: Experimenting with the pedagogical tools for teacher creativity and student empowerment

Nourit Ben David Erez


Section #2. Innovative Education

8.       “You can't use up creativity: The more you use, the more you have”: The story of Chris Gadbury

Shengnan (Penny) Ma


9.      Community health and environment: A learning project from India

Narayani Singh


10.  Metacognitive experiences on an urban concept farm: Local, project-based learning in science and sustainable agriculture

Simon McMillan


11.  Empowering teachers to become transformational leaders through reflective conversations: A school-based inquiry and a professional development project

Mohana Ratnam


12.  “Poipoia te kakano kia puawai” (Nuture the seed and it will blossom): Affective spaces in education-- prison, and beyond

Lynnette Brice


Section #3. Teaching with Technology

13.  Fostering student motivation and engagement through the Relevant, Appealing and Personal (RAP) pedagogical guideline: Tech stories from Singapore

Muhammad Nazir Amir


14.   Social media to tickle motivation to learn: From Saudi high school to USA graduate school

Khadijah Alghamdi


15.   Sparking inspiration through motivation and technology integration

Yassine Abdellaoui


16.   Interactive writing instruction in Zoom

Yan/Shyvia (Elaine) Zhang


17.  A Learning Journey by being Far and Near: A Lesson Designed in the R2D2 Framework

Begaim Adilkhanova


18.  It's all about the experience: Technology enhanced designs to generate value

Maria Solomou


Section #4: Pandemic Practices

19.  Chicken or Egg? Achieving the right balance between technology and pedagogy in online learning

Edwin Chew


20.  Learning in lockdowns: Creating safe, structured, and student-centered classes during the pandemic

Maija Heikkilä


21.   Actively engaging students in India during COVID-19: A former Fulbrighter finds hope

Rathnakaran Kozhukkunnon Othayoth


22.  Online Education in a Korean Elementary School During COVID-19: Focusing on My Experience using Blended Learning

Jeong-Ae Lee


23.  Moving from face-to-face to online environments in Mexico during the pandemic

Samuel Arriaga


Section #5: English Education and Collaboration

24.  English education enabled by technology: Story from an Online Teacher for an Under-Sourced Village School in China

Chaoran Wang


25.  Highlighting collaborative learning in language classroom: A story from Thailand

Apapan Sailabada


26.  Live classes of lives: English reading to ponder life, social phenomena, the fate of the world

Xiaoxiu (Anne) Wang


27.  Student collaboration starts with teacher collaboration

Sanna Leinonen


28.  Transformative Learning? Yes, Possibly in a Flipped Classroom

Hyun-Ju Kim


Section #6: Active Learning Strategies

29.  Why weren’t we taught like this?: Introducing Creative Strategies to Indian Teachers

Marina Basu


30.  Hooking students into science with engaging activities

Sutapa Mukund


31.  Pedagogical innovations from Finland: Using positive phenomena for powerful learning

Tarja Mykrä


32.  Active learning through using Actively Learn

Fiona Jeffries


33.  Activating the active learning classroom: Making the connection from local to global

Jhenyi Wu


Section #7: Global Education

34.  Distant Horizon, Close Friendship: Learning through Cross-Cultural Projects and Exchanges

Sandy Tsai


35.  Learning through student exchange projects

Taru Pohtola


36.  From Moment to Momentum: Technology Expanded Classrooms from Mexico to France and Back

Diana Gabriela Zamudio Troncoso


37.  Empowering teachers with technology and pedagogy: Distance teacher training in Uzbekistan

Umida Khikmatillaeva


38.  We can still be global citizens: Virtual exchange program to connect Yemeni EFL youth with their AFL American counterparts

Amani Gashan


Section #8: Overcoming Challenges

39.  Cancer, Covid-19, and the Cultural Impact of Technology in the Classroom

Rhuperdia Crowe-Clay


40.  Equitable learning in inequitable classrooms: Cases of teacher design thinking in rural schools in Bhutan and Papua New Guinea

Khendum Gyabak


41.  The Story Behind Jacky’s Cell Phone: Bring the Invisible Forward

Natalia Ramirez Casalvolone


42.  The story of keeping education wheels turning: Motivation and collaboration when Teaching in a post-war context

Simon Pierre Munyaneza


43.  Augmenting curriculum in a war-torn country: Augmented reality online teaching

Ebrahim Bamanger



44.  After Making Impact

Meina Zhu and Curtis J. Bonk


Afterword: The Power of Planning

Anastasia Morrone



References and Web Links




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Name: Curt Bonk
Home: Bloomington, Indiana, United States
About Me: I am a former accountant and CPA and a former educational psychologist. I am now Professor of IST at Indiana University and also adjunct in the School of Informatics. I founded and later sold SurveyShare. As president of CourseShare, LLC, I run around the world training instructors to teach online and give motivational talks about emerging learning technologies. I also write and edit books related to e-learning and blended learning. See bio and vita.

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