After going to Japan in September and early October for
slightly over two weeks, I had a little over a month back in the USA before
taking off for Asia again. This time the destination was Taiwan. It was my
third trip there but first time in nearly seven years. In between trips, I was
at conferences in Las Vegas (E-Learn 2013), San Antonio (a safety and health
conference), and Anaheim (AECT 2013).
I departed for Taiwan on Wednesday November 6 th
and returned on Wednesday November 20 th. During my time there, I
visited with dozens of friends and former students. First I was in Hsinchu for
a couple of days, then Taipei for a night and two days, followed by Kaohsiung
for about a week, and then back to Taipei again at the end of the trip for 4
nights. A recent graduate of my program, Dr. Feng-Ru Sheu, organized the
Kaohsiung segment as well as the entire trip. She is currently a post-doctoral
research fellow at National Sun Yat-Sen University ( NSYSU) in Kaohsiung. Much of her research at NSYSU, which I discuss at the bottom of this post, is on gesture-based learning.
Feng-ru is not the only one who helped plan my trip. Many others like Feng-kwei Wang
( Chinese Cultural University), John Li ( University of Taipei), and Chun-Yi Lin
and Chien-han Chen (the latter
two are from Tamkang University) did much to make my Taipei experiences highly eventful
and fun. Hsiu-Ping Yueh from National Taiwan University (NTU) also provided a ton of support at the end of my trip
when I was a visiting scholar at NTU. And former IU language education doctoral
students of mine, Mei-Ya Liang and Ching-Fen Chang, came through in the clutch
when visiting the HERO center (Research Center of Higher Educational Resources
for Openness) at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). Former IU doctoral student, Professor Chien
Chou was also quite helpful. At the time, the
center director of HERO was in China on site visits and his assistant had just
contacted the mumps and was being quarantined. Thanks to Mei-Ya and Ching-Fen, I
had a great time in Hsinchu. Not sure if I was a HERO or not but they made me
feel like one. Some pics from NCTU are below. You can see all the IU alums who showed up for my talk. So great to see them. it gave me energy after my long flight the night before.

(A few pictures above and below from the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu.)
(Six former IST and Language Education students from IU came to the opening talks; plus one former visiting scholar at IU who I first met in graduate school, oh so long ago.)
It was so great to have all of the support from the people
above and dozens of others along the way. I think I paid for only one or two meals
during the 2 weeks that I was there. And Feng-Ru made sure that many other
expenses were taken care of along the way. Thanks Feng-Ru!
Here are ten things that I learned when in Taiwan. Note that
they that all start with the letter “F.”
Fine Food and Fabulous Views: The food in Taiwan
is exquisite. Given that the country was previously occupied by the Dutch,
Japanese, and Chinese, the extensive selection of restaurants to choose from is
not too surprising. I ate a never-ending assortment of Chinese food my second
night in Hsinshu (the food kept coming and coming), delicious Italian food as
well as scrumptious Catanese dim sum in Kaohsiung for two of my lunches, and exquisite
traditional Japanese food in Taipei my last night before heading home. My first
night in Taipei I had a lovely buffet style dinner with more than a dozen
former students of mine and some of their families at the Howard Hotel inTaipei. Breakfast later in the trip at the Howard was also quite tasty. I love
staying at the Howard! I also stayed at Just Sleep on the edge of the NTU campus and in the "bustling Gongguan business district" for a night and would recommend that place as well. Sorta funky. it is affiliated with NTU.

(We heard many great stories about IU and the IST department back in the old days (1980s and 1990s) from Professor Chi-Syan Lin from National University of Tainan and later from Professor Albert Wang of National Taiwan Normal University.)
(It was splendid to start the trip off seeing so many friends and former students the first few days and nights.)
And then there were the fabulous views
while eating. In Kaohsiung, I had a lovely panoramic view of the city at night from
a restaurant near the top of the 85 Sky Tower Hotel building (as the name implies, this
building has 85 floors). Actually, I was on the 77th floor eating at the Chao-Jiang Cuisine restaurant. Later in the week, I had a view of the harbor from the
former British Consulate built in 1865 atop of a small mountain when on an
early morning jog not far from my hotel. My new friends, Ken and Johnny from
NSYSU took me back there for lunch that day. However, we did not stay long
since the menu did not have a good seafood or vegetarian selection at this
historic site. So onward we Ken drove us to the dim sum place mentioned above. The
dim sum restaurant was the top floor of an upscale shopping complex also near downtown
in Kaohsiung. The daytime view was spectacular. After lunch, the display of wooden
Buddha’s for sale on the floor below caught my attention. Some of it was carved
from wood thousands of years old. Oh my, I did not want to leave! The price (around
$30,000 for a single piece) would not matter since I would not be buying any.
But I kept looking and apparently people are buying it.
(View from the dim sum restaurant in Kaohsiung is above.)
Kaohsiung is not the only place for a view.
In Taipei, my former student Yi-Fei Chen and I had yummy scoops of ice cream near
the top of Taipei 101 (formerly the world’s tallest building; now #2). While not Häagen -Dazs, as with Japan back in September, there was plenty of Häagen -Dazs ice and other cream to be found between meals at other places. But if you go to Taiwan, definitely go to the observation deck at Taipei 101. It is worth the small price of admission. It looks like a giant green pagoda from the outside.The record setting speedy elevator ride is worth the experience alone. Wikipedia has more details.
(Views from the observation level of Taipei 101. I must see!)
(This Italian restaurant is so good we ate there twice in the same day. And not just because Yi-Fei knows the really is that good. Now what was the name? Here it is: Trattoria Italiana.)
(Yep, we came back a second time. The cook was surprised to see us. Yi-Fei was a master's student in my program back in the mid 1990s. Has it been that long? Yep. Her most recent job was translating Buddhist books to Chinese. She had just returned from a stay at a Buddhist monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.)

Fast Trains: The bullet train from Kaohsiung in
the south to Taipei in the north takes about 90 minutes. It is fast and smooth at 345 km/h (214 miles/hour).
Good thing. I had to go to a wedding reception of a former student on Friday
night November 15 th in Kaohsiung and then give a keynote speech the
following morning (November 16 th) at a conference for members of the
National Science Council (NSC) held at National Taiwan University (NTU) in
Taipei. I got up at 4:45 am to make it happen. But it was a highly enjoyable
train ride. I love riding the train. Get a ticket on the high speed rail in Taiwan and you will not be disappointed, other than the event goes by too quickly. (A couple of pictures from the wedding reception of Theresa Chen and Henry Lui are below.)

(All three people with me are IU graduates. Two are former students of mine--Theresa and Maggie. I think Henry got his degree in economics. He and Theresa met on the IU campus at Tulip Tree apartments. We are making the IU sign.)
(Thanks to high-speed rail in Taiwan, I made it from that Friday night Wedding reception in Kaohsiung to the National Research Council (NRC) seminar keynote the following morning in Taipei.)
(Speaking at the NRC meeting was easier since a few of my former students were in attendance including Jia-ling Lee and Wan-shiu Hsu. Wan-shiu's husband helped arrange my talks at Tamkang University. I spoke at Jia-ling's university last time--Shih-Hsin University.)

Familiar Faces of Friends and Former Students:
It was a blast to see my former students from the 1990s, 2000s, and more recent
times. Even a couple of graduates of my program whom I had never met before,
such as Professor Clarence Chu from NTU; Professor
Albert C. (Chien-Hua) Wang, National Taiwan Normal
University, and Professor
Chi-Syan Lin, Department of Information
and Learning Technology, National University of Tainan. I should point out that my program had
many more master’s and doctoral students from Taiwan in the early 1990s when I
started than it does today. Today, many stay in Taiwan for their graduate
educations. Fortunately, the old timers remember me. Many of them shuffled me
off from place-to-place. They made sure that I was fed, got on trains at the
right times, and that my days were not only filled with speaking but also
included time to see various temples, museums, and exhibits. They also booked me
into some great hotels and resorts. (Pictures with Clarence Chu at my final dinner in Taiwan with people from NTU are below.)
(Dr. Clarence Chu from NTU, a graduate of my program before I arrived, is above and below. We ate a traditional Japanese restaurant in a very unique part of Taipei with heavy Japanese influence.)
(My old friend Dr. Hsiu-Ping Yueh (below) from NTU helped organize much of my final days in Taiwan. She is in charge of much that is happening with e-learning on that campus or at least in one key building.)
(Go IU!...with Clarence and my old friend and former student, Dr. John Li.)
Many other friends and colleagues appeared during
the two weeks that I was in Taiwan. In fact, a colleague of mine from grad
school days at Wisconsin in the 1980s, Dr. Tina Huang, was there. If I start to
name names, I will be leaving someone out…so I better not. Am I right, Chun-Yi,
Feng-Ru, Maggie ( Hsiao-chi), Meilun
Shih, Kwan-Jun, Theresa
(Tzu-Su) ) and her new husband Henry, Feng-Kwei, Hui-chen (Vicky) and her
husband, Ching-Fen, Yi-Fei, John
(Kun-han) and his wife and brother, Jia-ling, Jalin, Chien
Chou, Shu
Ching Yang, Mei-Ya and her husband
Kevin and daughter Michelle, Chien-han and his wife Wan-shui (both former
students of mine from language education), Wan-lin, Chin Chi, Tina, Hsiu-ping, and
Victor and his wife Naoko? Who did I forget? I also saw my friend Lucifer Chu and
his wife Fay a couple of times. Everyone needs a Lucifer on his/her side. About a decade ago, Lucifer translated Lords of the Rings to Chinese and made a cool million. He used half of that money to translate MIT OpenCourseWare to traditional and simplified Chinese. He recently translated the Hobbit and is now is a celebrity in Taiwan with a weekly online show and a online t-shirt business.
(Former IST doctoral students who I had in class are below--Dr. John (Kun-han) Lee, Jalin Huang, and Kwan-Jun
Tyan (Kyun-Jun has his own consulting business now. Above is a picture of the 4 of us plus John Li's friends and family including his wife and brother and sister-in-law who is a clinical psychiatrist.).
course, I made new friends like Johnny, Ken, Pei-Chen (Prof. Sun), Tracy,
Sunny, Nian-Shing (NS; Prof. Chen), Wei-I (Prof Lee), Henry, Simon, and
Chiao-Ling. So many people. Such great times with each of them. Thanks so much
to all of you! I only missed seeing a couple of people; unfortunately, one of
them was my old friend Ken Carroll, formerly of ChinesePod. Next time, Ken…next
time. (A picture at the Howard Hotel Taipei with Lucifer Chu and his wife Fay is below. They joined me for the all-you-can-eat Sunday buffet.)
(Former IST doctoral student Dr. Feng-Kwei Wang and his colleague (boss I guess) Simon Lu welcomed me to Chinese Cultural University in downtown Taipei. Their main campus is north of Taipei on a mountain. I promise to go next time. I enjoyed my time immensely at this place and with these people.)
(I miss my dear friend Feng-Kwei. He took over a week or two of a high level doctoral seminar class I was teaching in the 1990s when I was at a conference. He was the former president of the Chinese student association here at Indiana University.)
(Below is only a portion of the room to the right. I had up to 5 screens behind me on which they could project my talk. I had two translators doing simultaneous translation. The room was 3 times the size shown here. And it was packed. Great questions asked to.)
(Simultaneously translation took place my talk at Chinese Cultural University using the equipment in this room. So cool!)
Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center: If you get
to Kaohsiung, it is near mandatory to see Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center
built on 100 hectares of land. It houses the Buddha tooth relic that was
presented to the Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Construction of the Buddha Memorial
Center began in 2003 and was completed nine years later. In addition to the
Front Hall entrance, there are eight Pagodas (4 on each side as you walk
through) and a Main Hall followed by the humongous Fo Guang Big Buddha. And my,
they do mean big! Some important items are locked away for 100 years. Believe
it or not, there is a timer on the entrance to one of the vaults counting down
the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds until they plan to open it.
I am not sure what is inside. Could it be the tooth relic? Who knows? None of
us will be alive to see it open 97 years and 1 month from now. Still you can travel to Fo Guang Shan just to feel this magnificent place. The Fo Guang Shan Monastery next door to the memorial center is pretty spectacular as well. So many Buddha's, so little time.

(Blue skies come out of no where. Amazing.)
(Our tour guide Annie is above.)
(Johnny or I must have told a joke since Ken was laughing.)
(The clouds were dissipating in front of our eyes.)
(Time to go next door to the Fo Guang Shan monastery which is equally awesome! See pics below.)
(I am dreaming smiling Buddha's in my sleep. I had to stop and take a few pictures with my blue shirt juxtaposed against the white holy men.)
(As I stated above, they are counting down the years, months, days, minutes, and seconds before they open this vault. I only have to stand here for 97+ years. Humm, must be important. The first picture below is back in the Fo Guang Shan Memorial Center; most of the others are from the Fo Guang Shan Monastery next door.)
(So many Buddha's, so little time...)
(Unfortunately, it is time to leave this super-fantastic place.)
Fun, Fun, Fun: Between the Maokong Gondola ride in Taipei
to beautiful tea centers, listening to music at night at the Love River in
Kaohsiung, visiting Taoist and Confucian temples and Hindu shrines, and going
to the night markets in Kaohsiung or Taipei there is much to see and do. I also
got to the famed Star Trek exhibition which is current in Kaohsiung. That was
(yes a crystal bottom you can see through...)
(Stunning views, even in cloudy days. The tea houses await...)
(Ken and Johnny took me to the Pier 2 Art Center when in Kaohsiung. First we had to find a bathroom. Pictures from the Star Trek exhibition are below; I got a few on the main deck of the Enterprise before I was warned not to use my camera there. Oops!)
(Scotty, I sure hope the transporter is working.)
(Warp 9, Mr. Sulu. Warp 9.)
(Battle stations...full alert. Full alert.)
(We walk out the Star Trek exhibit and see these guys below. Interesting place Kaohsiung.)
(See below for the Love River at night. The current mayor has cleaned it up.)
(I could listen to her voice and his saxophone playing all night.)
(These guys were pretty good too. It was happening down by the Love River that night.)
(Johnny and Ken, research assistants at NSYSU were assigned to be my tour guides for two days. Ken had to go to class the first night and my former student Feng-Ru joined us at the end of the day.)
(A couple days later, I was back up in Taipei and staying the first night at Just Sleep at the edge of the NTU campus. We ate that night at the Just Italian restaurant which served buffet style. Many of the staff from NTU joined as well as dear friends Victor Tao and Naoko Kihara, Hui-chin (Vicky) Yeh (a former student from Language Ed at IU) and her husband, and Hsiu-Ping Yueh from NTU.
(It's been 7 years since I saw my old friends Victor and Naoko. See great to catch up a bit. Naoko is almost done with her doctorate from a university in Japan.)
(Vicky and her husband took the train up to Taipei from Yunlin and left the kids with a babysitter. She teaches at
National Yunlin
University of Science & Technology.)
(Time for us to head to a small night market near the NTU campus and my hotel..Just Sleep. See below for pics.)
Faith in Taxis: There were several times when I
was in a taxi or in a car with a former student and I just closed my eyes and
trusted them. There were many narrow quarters to circumvent but people in
Taiwan simply seem to be used to it. There were a couple of times wherein I was
amazed that we made it through. But we did. Perhaps visiting so many religious temples helped. A few pictures from the Taoist and Confucian temples which I mentioned earlier are below.
(First the Taoist temple. So lovely.)
(For many people this might be a daily ritual.)
(Time to go to the Confucian temple (see above 3 pics and the pics below).
(Below my tour guide from NTU, Tracy Wu, points the way to go when at the Confucian temple.)
(All the bright colors in these buildings. Wow!)
(Ah, pretty blue skies!)
Freedom and Free Courses: There was definitely
much interest in Taiwan in massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open
educational resources (OER). People wanted to hear about my research on open
education and free stuff. Well, my data shows that people want freedom to learn
what they want to learn. People at my talks on MOOCs also asked many questions
about my experiences teaching a MOOC. I should point out that this keen interest
in MOOCs and Open Education was also quite apparent when in Japan at the end of
September. Someone should do some research on why there is so much interest in
MOOCs and Open Education in Asia. I am sure that there are plenty of
dissertation questions and perhaps a free trip or two to some distant part of Asia
to help answer them. Question: What would Confucius say about free and open classes? I decided to ask him--see pics below.
(Note: Color PDFs of all my 13 talks in Taiwan are posted to my Website.)

(Let's see, what would Confucius say? Time to read his bio on the wall and watch the adjacent video about his life.)
(After reading his bio and watching the video, I definitely think that Confucius would take a liking to this more open educational world. It certainly would be fascinating to talk to him today about it.)
(Gosh this place is gorgeous...!)
(I bought CDs from the guy below. Very melodic music. The flute that he has is over 100 years old and worth a ton of money. He was just sitting on the side at the Confucian temple playing away to another old man that was listening. Imagine spending your life playing music for people in such a place. Wow!)
(Tracy Wu reminds me that we have to go soon so that I can speak at NTU.)
(Tracy gives a thumbs-up and then points to the way out. We really have to run to lunch now so I can get back to NTU to give my final two talks. I was very fortunate that my friend, Dr. Hsiu-Ping Yueh assigned her to me as my guide my final days in Taiwan.)
(Pictures below are from the classes at NTU that I presented to on my final day in Taiwan.)
(NTU students make out the NTU sign below.)
(NTU students make the Indiana University (IU) sign and did not know it till we took the picture. LOL.)
Future Studies: I gave a couple of talks at Tamkang University (TKU) in the Taipei area; perhaps the largest private university in
Taiwan. Their president, Dr. Fora C. I. Chang, introduced me before I spoke at
TKU. She definitely was interested in MOOCs and Open Education when we chatted
at breakfast before it my session. People at TKU are also wanting to know about
the future of all this open education stuff. In fact, I was handed a couple of
copies of their latest issue of the Journal of Future Studies: Epistemology,Methods, Applied and Alternative Futures. Several of their faculty were editors
of this journal. Their questions at the end of my two talks indicated that they
were thinking ahead about the future impact of MOOCs and open education.
Some pictures from the lovely Tamkang University campus are below with former students, Chun-Yi Lin and Chien-han Cheng. The first pictures are of the subway (or MRT) system that I took with Chien-han to get there as the TKU campus is the final stop about an hour's ride northwest of my hotel in Taipei. And it is situated on a mountain overlooking the bay. Lovely!

(Students below wait in line in the early morning to take their midterm exams at TKU.)
(Chinese and Japanese gardens are beautiful at TKU.)
(You can see the bay from the TKU campus.)

First Sit and Chat, Talk later: Whether I was
speaking at a university or a high school, the first thing that I was required
to do upon entering the campus was to speak to the principal, president, or
someone high up in authority. At the start of such meetings, I had to sign
paperwork and turn my passport over to someone for copying. Then it was time
for the requisite cup of tea and a chat. Only after that transpired could I go
speak. It did not matter that my scheduled start time had already passed by 10
or 15 minutes earlier. It did not matter that I needed an additional 15 or 20
more minutes just to set up. First one must sign, copy, chat, and sip. Add to
that a photo opportunity or a short tour of a facility and you would see me
starting to stress out. “I’m not ready. I’m not ready,” I would mutter. But to
no avail. One high school principal had a photographer take a picture of us
before I left his office and it was framed and handed to me at the end of my
talk. No foolin! It is proudly on display in my office. A picture with this principle and two of my former students, Dr. John (Kun-han) Li and Dr. Jalin Huang, is below. (Note that this
also happened in Japan in September and is quite common in Asia. See pictures below for an example.)

(The kids at Chi Jen Senior High School in Taipei sure had many questions for me. They are extremely bright. I wish we had more time. Great school. I do not speak to high school kids that often. It was a fun challenge.)
(As I said, within an hour a picture taken with the principle of Chi Jen Senior High School,
Taipei, Taiwan was framed and given to me at the end of my talk "Living in Tech City: 50 Emerging
Learning Technologies.")
(Before speaking at Chi Jen Senior High School in Taipei, I spoke to John Li's students and others at the University of Taipei. See below. Note, as per post item #8, that I also spoke at Tamkang University that day. Being at three places in one day made for an adventure! )
Formosa, the Beautiful, the Fourth-Highest
Island: Taiwan has had many names over the centuries. When Portuguese sailors first
saw this island in 1544, they named it “ Ilha Formosa” which apparently means “ Beautiful
Island.” I got this information from Wikipedia, of course. It certainly is a
beautiful place. As I mentioned, this trip was my third time to Taiwan and each
time I find something new of beauty to see. Want another “F” word? Well, Wikipedia
also says that Taiwan has four peaks over 11,500 feet which makes it the
fourth-highest island (behind New Guinea, Hawaii, and Borneo).
Ok, that is it for the ten things that I learned in Taiwan.
All start with the letter F. I hope that you learned something too. I will add
an 11 th item. I found out that, frankly speaking, there is much
interest in Taiwan in gesture-based learning. After a couple of my talks in
Kaohsiung, a team of researchers at National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU) presented
nine different gesture-based learning projects that they were in the midst of.
Fascinating stuff related to travel, health and wellness, and various other specific
competencies or skills. A picture of Dr. Nian-Shing Chen and his research team is below. Als1o pictured at the front table is Dr. Feng-Ru Sheu who, as I mentioned earlier, arranged the trip for me.

(It was also great to that Wan-Lin Yang could take the train to come to my talk. She is now an Assistant Professor at National Cheng Kung University, Center of Teacher Education, Institute of Education. Wan-lin is a Wisconsin graduate like me and she studied with a former student of mine, Dr. Michael Thomas.)
(It was wonderful to finally meet Feng-Ru's supervisor, the famous Dr. Nian-Shing Chen.)
When at NSYSU, I stayed at a lovely resort overlooking the ocean
with a few green mountains to the right. What a gorgeous view to wake up to
each day! Soft waves from the ocean put me to sleep each night. The NSTSU
campus was a short 2 minute walk to the right of my hotel. It was situated in
the midst of luscious green mountains that housed monkeys (more than 800 Formosan Macaques live in the mountain there). I was told that
these monkeys like to steal people’s food. Fortunately, I never ran into any of
them when I was running on campus, though there are several YouTube videos showing them roaming on campus as well as in the dorms. I only ran into a bunch of stray dogs. I think I would
have rather seen the monkeys.
(This is the view from my hotel room in Kaohsiung.)

Ok, so ends my last trip to Asia until mid-March when I go
to Hue, Vietnam and Bangkok, Thailand. Till then…perhaps I will share some “G”
words. Some final pictures from Taiwan are below including a final toast with my friend Lucifer at the Howard Hotel Taipei and a couple from the Taipei airport. I miss Taiwan already! I have hundreds more pics to share sometime.
Labels: Confucius, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center, gesture-based learning, Howard Taipei, Kaohsiung, Love River, Lucifer Chu, Maokong Gondola, MOOCs, NTU, open education, Star Trek Exhibition, Taipei 101, Taiwan |